inspiring quality research dissemination


DOI Prefix: 10.55058



Koforidua, Eastern Region

Ghana, West Africa.

07:30 - 19:00

Monday to Friday

Instruction To Reviewers

Manuscript(s) should be submitted via the journal’s submission page.

Please follow the guidelines below and all submission will be acknowledged.

Length of article

Articles must be original and should not exceed 8000 words (14 pages excluding title page and appendix). Case studies, new points, and book reviews should exceed 4000 and 8,000 words. All submitted articles must be original and not be under consideration by any other journal. Brief comments on any aspect within the journal field of coverage which is of current interest and importance, along with comments on articles previously published in the ADRRI conference may be submitted to the journal for publication.


ADRRI journal accepts papers or articles in British English and American English but not a mixture of both. The illustration should be clearly set out and well labeled for clear understanding.

 Style of presentation

The first page of the manuscript should contain the full paper or article title with the full address of the author or authors. The institution or organization to which the authors are related or affiliated should be provided. Author attention is also drawn to the information on style and presentation which is given below. Articles that do not conform to the following will be returned for modification before being read. Please read this carefully.

The general overall style of our manuscript(s) must follow:

INTRODUCTION: This contains the background, problem statement, objectives, research questions, the hypothesis if any, significance, and literature review.

METHODOLOGY: this must contain the design, sample and sampling technique, target population, data sources, mode of analysis, modeling, and so on.

RESULTS: this detail out the results of the study.

DISCUSSIONS: This is a detail of the discussion of the study and related to the empirical literature.

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Here, the conclusion of the study is provided here along with recommendations.


Full contact details for the author(s) should be supplied. Submission on the journal online submission is the only accepted medium except where there are challenges in which electronic copy to the emails provided. Once an editorial decision is made to proceed with the review, it would be communicated to the author. After the review, a decision would be made and the author will be sent with a subscription or donation payment procedure before publication is done.

Title, author name(s) should be followed by an abstract of 100-250 words for article submission and a maximum of five (5) keywords.

Font size: 12

Font: Palatino Linotype

The text should not be 1.5

Up to three categories of subtitles may be used. The first paragraph after a title is should not be indented, as well as subsequent paragraphs.

Table and figures

Table and figures should be kept as simple as possible, clearly set out, and ruled without borders, with adequate headings and source of information. All tables, graphs, and figures must be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are referred to in the text (i.e. table 1 about here). Maps and diagrams dimensions 125*210 mm and should not be pictures but can be edited. There may be appendices and any such information should be included in the text.

Symbols, abbreviations, acronyms

Spell out in full acronyms and abbreviations when first used e.g. Ghana Statistical Service (GSS).


Use the American Psychological Association Style of Referencing (APA Format) with the second line hanging. All references in the text should form part of the references’ column and references not in the text should not be included.

All submissions should be made through the online submission system through the website.

Frequency of Publication

ADRRI Journals are published Quarterly (every three months) only online. Published articles are available online once accepted.

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